Thursday, April 13, 2006

In the beginning...

A fairly slow Thursday afternoon before easter and i thought i might just have a bit of punt around creating a blog. Not that i really now of any specific definition about what a blog is, but I thought, "What the heck, I'll give it a go".

I'm assuming it's something like a place to note things about life and how it's effecting me and my family and my world. All sounds a bit selfish really.

It will be interesting to see how this progresses. I might get completley bored with it all after a while, but at least I can say I've done that.

So what shall we talk about today?

Well, i'll let you know of two blogs i've read which have inspired me to add something to the world of blogging. One was a journal by a freind of a workmate. He was as gay as a pink fairy, but pretty funny. The workmate that is. His freind Murray had this journal which was a great read. Unfortunately at the end of last year he changed the blog address on me, and now I can't find it. Anyway, short story: it was a humourous take on life and made me think a bit more about certain things.

The second blog I have read from time to time, and thankfully can play catch up when I do, and is probably one of the more famous blogs is Baghdad Burning. I do believe they are publishing the blog in book form. This blog is both a sad yet inspirational blog about life inside Iraq. It paints quite a different picture to one which we get feed by the mainstream media, and I only hope that evrything on it is true and not written by some nut job. Please forgive me river.

So yeah, those are the two that got this started. And we shall see were it all ends up.


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