Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Don't pay her

I think it was the end of last week when Alan "Bollocks" Bollard came out and told us all we need to stop asking for pay rises if we want the interest rates to come down. Apparently our "greed" for more money is pushing up inflation. Sorry Al, but if I was getting paid what you are getting paid, I wouldn't need to ask for anymore money. You twat.

So then our mate Micheal "billion $ surplus" Cullen stands up and says old Al is right, and we should all be careful with our money, and companies should be careful not to raise pay packets as it will have a detrimental effect on the economy.

Hmmmm. Mike, didn't you just get an 8.1% pay rise? Aren't you paid around $250k per year? Don't you get free national travel now and for the rest of your life and a free car personally driven by a schmoo?

That would be nice. I'd like that. I would stop asking for more money if I was on that wicket. Sounds rather lovely.

Now Aunty Helen is telling us she, and quite probably Mike, would do the jobs they do for nothing. Ha ha. That's funny. Pleeeeeease.

For all the good they have done, we may as well have not paid them. After nearly 9 years in power I see a health system that still isn't working. I see murderists and rapists still getting light sentences. I see children still being abused and mistreated by their parents. I see infrastructure still woefully behind were it needs to be. I see middle NZ still suffering under a tax burden that is totally unfair. I see this tax income being spent with little or no outcome.

And I see idiots are still in charge.

And why aren't they on performance pay like the rest of us? Why? Because if they were, they would probably have to pay us to stay in power.

Politicians. You gotta hate 'em.

I thought when I started this blog that my little girl would be able to read it one day. The sad thing is, these problems will still be there when she's my age. Nothing will change. How do I know this? Because these were the same problems my father talked about, and his father talked about.

My little girl makes it all worthwhile though. I can be in the foulest of moods, and a smile from her makes it all go away.


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